The world will be visitng Cincinnati next month...

At this point none, I've really been hands off...

however, the other half has been all over it... "we need to host the chorus from Venezuela" ( just as an an example ). He has
been to volunteer training, and "why haven't you signed up for volunteer training???" (because I am just freaking tired at this point) and is now proudly wearing the t-shirt around the house.

We've been going non-stop since February, every weekend, and I finally said, no, I cannot do this. Please leave me in peace.


It's actually happening!!!

But that doesn't take away from the event. It truly is amazing. The first time it's ever been held in the US!

It's so nice to be a guest some times--even when you could organize it all with

one hand tied behind your back, AND serve a 14 course dinner with a smile. smileys/smile.gif Even Superman needs a break sometimes.

Okay may I say for all of us, that we won't expect your kitchen & diningroom to be quite as elegant

during this event. You have our permission.

That's a lotta guests.

VERY cool!! Thanks for posting! I have forwarded to all my chorister friends! I have never

attended anything this large. But with the smaller venues, it was such a treat to be just walking in the park or be in a supermarket and hearing a few children warm up their voices.

Thanks again for posting!
