This has been a fun website for me to peruse. If you make your own lunch, you may enjoy the

I love those Bento type lunches. I wonder though, if her kids might not be trading those off

for other things. I'd send my kids to school with healthy lunches and find out they traded them for someones cupcake, or candy bar, or chips.

Ha! Apparently it is a felony offensive to trade (peanut allergies/lactose intolerant, etc)...

in our school district. But, I do think the starbursts are traded!!! : )

You'd be surprised what kids want to trade - I'm always surprised when the kids leave the sweets

or trade them out for a piece of sushi, fruit, veggies and dip, or half of someone else's yummy sandwich.

In our district, there is a no trading policy with food because of allergies. It still happens, but the kids are pretty good about policing each other at lunch and snack time.
