This Irish Pork Stew was perfect for a cold rainy night. Made as written and

Where've I been? smileys/wink.gif Now I'm looking for recipes to use more of the 5 remaining bottles

of Guinness. Though just plain drinking it won't really be an issue, lol.

The author of that recipe, Chef John, is "Food Wishes" on YouTube. I love watching his videos.

Marilyn, if you will be without your oven for a length of time, here's a cheap alternative

I have an older home and a built in wall oven that is no longer a standard size. When my oven died awhile back, I purchased this large tabletop convection toaster oven while I looked for a replacement. For the price, it has been wonderful! I even made a wedding cake in it! It does take some adjustments for baking (even when not using the convection), but once you figure it out, it works well.

The only downsize is it takes up quite a bit of counter space. I think they also carry this or a similar model at Sam's Club for around the same price.

Very tempted, but i've decided to embrace the stovetop while this is going on. Got a new

baking element installed yesterday (on my knees, boosted up by throw pillows, head jammed into the oven working to unscrew the old mounting, I had a flashback of Sylvia Plath's sad demise. I can only think that she must have never baked warm chocolate chip cookies or she could never have considered the oven in such a bad way.)

Anyway, the element wasn't the problem, so that means an electronic board in the back and that means an appliance call. I'm going to use the stove top until this gets resolved. I see lots of soups in my future.

Marilyn, I'm with you in the oven-free dept. Door has been off for 7+ days awaiting part

arrival. I actually replaced this same part myself the last time it happened courtesy of youtube instructional videos.

I can't wait to get my oven back! Tried baking french fries and tater tots on the gas grill last night - fail. At least I scored points in the "I tried" category!

