This is a little late, but Rec. Pomerantzen


Well-known member
I took this in to work after the new year, and everyone seemed to love it, so I thought I'd post it. I used to make it with oranges, like my grandmother, but many years ago, my aunt told me to use grapefruit, and it makes such a difference - soft, pillowy results.


5 grapefruit or oranges

5 cups sugar

1/2 cup water

1/2 cup orange juice

3 tablespoons confectioners sugar, sieved

Carefully remove the peel from the fruit in quarters. Cover skins with water and cook till soft. Cool, and cut off the thin yellow rind. (This takes TIME.) Add sugar, water and orange juice, and cook for about 1/2 hour or until the sugar thickens. Place on wet board (I use parchment paper), mix confectioner's sugar with the thickened sugar, beat up well, and pour mixture over the slices. Allow to cool overnight.

Don't taste the same night - it tastes odd until the next day.


This recipe is from The New International Goodwill Recipe Book, which has been published and updated for many years by the Johannesburg Women's Zionist League. My gran had an old green one which fell apart, and I was so excited to find this one years ago, with the same recipes in it.

Hi Lana, this looks yummy,

What is the texture like when you serve it. Is it served in a bowl like compote?

Sorry, clicked too soon......

It looks so pretty in its quarters, but I slice it with a sharp knife so that people can pick up a small piece with a fork or toothpick (or just their fingers, if its family). It's like a soft candied peel.
