This is a silly question. What is a typical weight of a spiral ham? My mom gave me one, and I am


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cooking it; but realize that she took off the weight (and $), what should I assume?

It never occurred to me that the lbs were not on the ham!!!

I have had it in for 1 1/2 hours 325......

Thoughts / help?

Assuming it was fully cooked

I think all you will ant to do is heat it enough to get the interior warmed up.

Check it with a thermometer and if it's up to 130-140 ish, I think you can take it out of the oven.

Do you not have a kitchen scale? I could not live without mine.

(I also use the scale to weigh packages I am shipping, so I can buy postage online and save money)

I found a link (inside) to a commercial brand's spiral sliced ham weights and cooking times: (more) spiral sliced whole ham is huge: 14-18 lbs. Medium is 7-9 lbs and quarter is 3-4-1/2 lb

At 275º F, a 1/4 ham cook time is about 1 hour; half size is about 2 hours and whole is about 3-1/2 hours.

As for size, a whole ham is HUGE, ya gotta carry it (less'n you are real strong-like) with both arms--think of two 10 lb. sacks of potatoes. Half, about one 10 lb sack size and small about a 5 lb sack size.

Did this help?

Whole or half? I know it's too late. Just cooked a ham and it was

8#, 20 min/lb., covered with a little water.

When you need to know the weight of something.......

For things heavier than a postage scale or food this ham: Step on a regular scale, note the weight then step off and pick up whatever you want the weight of. Then step back on the scale. Easy.

Yup... Do that for my Teddy Bears weight, but, I already put into the heated oven. I mistakenly

assumed that somewhere in the wrapping / bag / receipt it would have the details. None.

Hame turned out great! Thanks for all the suggestions!
