This is a test....Yep it worked. I haven't tried this but will. Have a craving

Sorry, but there is always a special time when something like

this fits and for me today is the day. It's my Birthday and I'm gonna eat a nice warm cookie. It's been a tough week and I deserve it. (smile)

Happy Birthday, O!!! Enjoy that treat...honestly, sometimes life doesn't get any better than

a warm cookie in your mouth.

Thank you everyone. This has not been a fun week and isn't

going to get better for a while. John had a serious car accident on the 14th and taken to the ER. He's OK and that's all that counts. His right shoulder was dislocated and bruised all over his body so now all the medical and therapy starts. He was wearing his seat belt and he ended up on the floor with both air bags deployed. The guy who hit him wasn't wearing a seat belt and only has a few stitches on his forehead we're told. Go figure. My Mustang convertible was totaled. So all in all....ugh! His birthday is on the 26th so I'll try and make his day a little better.
