This is just plain creepy. I made these eyes (although not as professional looking!) to go

I'm thinking of making these too---on cupcakes or I like your apple idea. did you use fruit leather

for the tentacles?
I think I would start at $3. you can always drop the price.

and wow, I love your signature line. really spoke to me today.

Oh thanks. A friend had it on her blog and I "stole" it. I didn't make the tentacles, just

the eyes. If I had made cupcakes, yes, the directions (Martha?) said to use fruit leather. My heart sunk today when I went grocery shopping and saw a package of three - count them - THREE caramel apples for $2.79. Granted, they were a teeny bit smaller than mine, but that's less than $1 a piece, so we can't ask too much for ours. Yjey are in a nice Halloween cello bag with a raffia bow, but still... :eek:( It cost more than $1 a piece to make them!! You do it for the kids, I guess.

Yes, although I didn't mean to mislead anybody - I didn't make the ones in the

photo, but I used the photo as a guide to make the eyes that I made. One thing I didn't notice at first was that the licorice "pupils" don't go all the way up and down the length of the yellow "eye" - just in the middle, like a slitty little pupil. The leftovers were great!! ;o)

Thanks again for the link, cheezz.

P.S. If you can't find the black licorice laces, don't believe the stockboy who

tells you that you can unroll the black licorice "wheels" ("records"). I searched all over for the long, thin licorice shoelaces I think they call them, and couldn't find them anywhere. So I bought some of the round ones in the bulk food dept (they had red laces, but not black ones!) and came home and cut them. They were permanently formed into curves, so I tried to flatten them out and it didn't work.

I got the idea to microwave them, unrolled, torn into 6-inch pieces and then separated, at power level 4 for just 5 seconds, at the first hint of the sound of sizzling. Then stretch them straight and try and flatten them as best you can, and cut them on the diagonal to simulate the pupils.

Gee, I didn't mean for this to be a dissertation on candy pupils! Just passing along some hints from errors that I learned along the way. Happy decorating!

Oh for crying outloud, I'll *never* make caramel apples again!

Last night I made cupcakes (just basic yellow cake batter dyed orange) and made these skeletons.

Then, since I had time and all of the ingredients now, I really wanted to take 6 caramel apples too. So I started those about 11 p.m - followed the directions exactly, rolled them in peanuts, and they looked beautiful. I put them in the refrigerator for about 2 hours like it said to, got up, and took them out so I could put the milk back in there overnight, and put them on a sheet of aluminum foil on the stove (cool now). Back to bed.

I got up this morning, and the caramel had all puddled down to the base, so much so that some of the apple was now showing through on a couple of them. I carefully "pasted" some more peanuts into the thinly covered part of the apples with more melted caramel. I figured when I put them into the decorated cellophane bags (sticking all the way down), it would kind of cover up the thin parts. So bless the people that bought them, although they got them for $1 each :eek:( Oh well.

I linked to a picture of my little running skeletons here. They came out all right. The small blobs at the ends and beginnings of the bones looked like joints, so my lack of experience in making them actually worked for me this time...

Nope... I picked them right off the tree, and also washed and dried them well before

dipping in the caramel. Thanks for the tip :eek:)

DAWN!! I just read of a solution for the slippery caramel!

In my Taste of Home, it has a recipe for making caramel apples. First you wash and dry the apple, stick a popsicle stick in it, then put it on a parchment-lined sheet in the fridge. Then, after you dip an apple in caramel, to submerge it for 1-2 seconds in ice water, then back on the parchment!

Seems logical to me and I will try it when I make them again.
