This is my dinner menu today


Well-known member
Tonight, I intend to work with my family to share fish hot pot. Ingredients are Grass carp. The fish in China often Add hot pot of cooking.


Grass carp (I bought a relatively large)



Corn starch




Soy sauce

Flavoring liquor

First, I will wash the fish, then cut into pieces.

Will be garlic, ginger and green onions with the meat after shredding the same mix by adding starch (many), flavoring wine, salt, MSG and soy sauce for mixing, we must let them sap stiffness so as to enable live sauces parcels fish and infiltrating them.

Then wrap the fish with dry seasonings (I now have mercy on the window, waiting for their water evaporation), preserved an hour later, the fish will be used frying pan Jianzhi skin crisp and golden yellow color change After removal.

In order to enhance the flavor of different, I intend to produce some fish and meat balls with cooking.

I will remove some chufa wash skin after then chopped, minced meat and mixed with seasoning by adding wine, salt, sugar, chopped ginger, chopped onions, monosodium glutamate, a small amount of starch and egg white for mixing (accession egg white meat balls is to enable flexible and solidification). Marinated pan with a half hours after Jianzhi skin crisp and golden yellow color change after removal.

Then you can these two delicious food Add to the hot pot and add stock, together with other favorite vegetables, while consumption of heating side.

Notes: Chinese people like to eat bot pot Add in the stock in the professional material for chaffy dish, which would allow more tasty broth. Material for chaffy dish in China have various supermarket sales, but in areas outside of China not know.

I love hot pots, such a perfect dinner in the winter!

You can also use a fondue dish if you have one. We make a nice broth and then poach the raw meats (prawns, chicken, scallops) in the boiling broth, and then add the veggies, and have soup as a second course.

My absolute favorite of this is the french version of Pot au Feu with filet mignon, but the hot pot is much healthier! LOL

Hongshai, what do you make your broth with, I would love your recipe.

Thank you,


I stew broth in pig thigh bone and water.

Thank you!Heather_in_SF.

I also love hot pot, it seems that you are aware of. Hope that the regular exchange of information on it can be all.

Onion or garlic can be

China's hot pot is the essence of creativity and your familiarity with cooking skills to create their own favorite food with the best.
In China, the most famous crab hot pot is used as raw material, call The flavour and spicy crab (Chinese for XIANG LA XIE).
