This is such a good video on preserving food, actually, making it last longer.

It came to me in an email. So there is not a link. Just asked the question and see there is a way to

convert it but I'm not familiar with HTML any more.

I noticed when I open the file that there is 2 in brackets at the end of the file number. WA0002 (2)

If this came from a reliable source. . .

Like a friend or newsletter that you have been receiving regularly, try going to the website and searching for the video--if you trust the site.

I searched and could not find much, virtually nothing for food, but did find a bunch of links in Cyrillic (Russian).

I am interested in the video--can you post the site?

I don't know how to get to the site since it is not listed anywhere. It did come from a trusted

friend of decades.

If you message me an email address, I can just forward the email to you.

Do I remember correctly that you have a kaffir lime plant?
