This makes me SICK - Forbes Top 10 Celebrity Chefs


Well-known member
10. Anthony Bourdain - $1.5 million

9. Bobby Flay - $1.5 million

8. Tom Colicchio - $2 million

7. Mario Batali - $3 million

6. Paula Deen - $4.5 million

5. Alain Ducasse - $5 million

4. Nobuyuki Matsuhisa - $5 million

3. Gordon Ramsay - $7.5 million

2. Wolfgang Puck - $16 million

1. Rachel Ray - $18 million

I mean what is wrong with this picture? I could live with the list, even Paula Deen at #6 because for the most part they have done their time and paid their dues, even Paula. But Rachael Freakin Ray @ #1 and at $18M??? I am completely disgusted now. Going to go have a drink to try and forget this, maybe the whole bottle, it's going to take a lot to get over this.....

I'm with you Missy, I don't really consider her a real chef. Here's something else I'm upset about.

last year when they had their contest for new 'chefs' I really liked the gal who was trained in France; her show was called Gourmet Next Door.

they only had her for the orig. 6 shows and after that her picture was still on the website but it said no recipes, no forthcoming recipes. I kept thinking something must be physically wrong with someone in her family.

Well, several wks. ago when they had their new contest I went on their website to read about the cooks and they had a story about the gal in Gourmet Next Door.

As it turns out, she said in the article that she never anticipated winning. When she did everyone who knew her, along with her, decided she was never meant for tv....and she longed for France so much why should she move there.

She did. And she told the food network she wouldn't host a new show.

When I read that I was upset because I so looked forward to the things she was going to teach straight out of the French Culinary Institute.

When I read that I thought, boy I bet the food network will sure be more careful who they have participate in their contests! Why in the world did she participate to being with if she had that attitude.


Not to diss your dismay Missy, but this is of course coming from Forbe

where earnings are of special interest as it’s a “money” magazine. Don’t forget that some of the chefs listed have tremendous audience appeal due to their high degree of marketing and exposure. It’s called capitalism. I’m sure most serious cooks would not give too much credence to a financial magazine’s listing of the ‘Top 10 Celebrity Chefs’. Celebrity chefs are what they are including “the good, the bad, and the ugly.”

Not worth a hangover in my book - lol

I'f absolutely nothing else is on when I sit down to have a cup of coffee I turn on her talk show.

I'm still only able to watch for 30 seconds before she becomes too annoying for me to continue watching.
Others, however, love her.

In her defense, she insists that she is not a "chef", but a cook. She gives the respect due... those who have paid their dues and become trained chefs.

There's lots about her that I don't particularily like, but I have used a number of her recipes and liked them a lot. I admire the fact that she actually worked as a cook in a restaurant, and seems to have good kitchen skills.

Milk it, Rachael, milk it! Fame is fleeting and if they're gonna pay you an obscene amount of money to do your little schtick, I say, Milk it!!


She is a hard working "product" of capitalism and commercialism at best Michael,

and I agree. She's doing her thing and making a nice living, and good for her!

This is what makes our country so special, the opportunity for free enterprise!

Although my own self-quote is... "Life isn't fair, never has been, and never will be. That's what keeps me sane." - LOL

Just a business. Like any other business. It's about making money. I often wish that individuals

would just make a cut-off point, though, recognizing that beyond a certain disgusting amount, they just aren't worth it.

Then look at how pitifully paid are the scientists and medical specialists, at least in this country. And the folks who dedicate their time and energy to helping people in real need. Next-to-nothing. It's one of the disparities of the society we've created. Ah well.

I guess it all depends where you live. There are two

members in my immediate family who made careers as teachers. Thankfully, they had job security all those years, a nice schedule, and were lucky enough to take early retirement with very good pensions.

I agree though, the salaries should be comparable nationwide. Too bad some other non-profits lack in those same benefits also.

P.S. Is it t-e-e-c-h-e-r-s? ;o)
