This might be too simple of a question, but does anyone make their own popsicles?


With my limited mobility I've revisited the simple summertime treat of eating a popsicle (Fudgsicle too) and it seems like they'd be easy to replicate/make better (like Margarita Popsicles!). Any favorite type of mold or flavor combinations? I don't currently own a mold.

(I miss root beer popsicles.)

when I was a kid we used the ice cube tray.

covered with plastic wrap and then put a toothpick in each one. I was at Ross with the wife recently and saw some popsicle molds

our take on "ice cream" was making pudding and freezing it...

I keep waiting to find a zoku maker at the consignment shops or garage sales. I am sure they were

purchased as a "fad" and hoping that someone will sell theirs! They just look like fun and a silly kitchen gadget; but if it is cheap enough, I would give it a shot! : )

I have a Donvier popsicle mold, doesn't look like they are sold anymore, too bad, it is terrific

I just have to find room in my tiny freezer for it! Currently it's filled with pork and bacon. (poor me, HA HA)
