This sounds good (now if only I could find some Greek yogurt): Spring Chicken and Blue Cheese Salad

Meryl, for making tatziki and other Greek recipes I just take a good quality yogurt-- I like Nancy's

or Stonybrook Farms--I put a big coffee filter in a big strainer/colander, dump in a quart of yogurt and next morning it has drained off the water and is wonderful and thick.
That recipe looks wonderful, thanks, saved,

Nan, I love Nancy's also! It's the only yogurt we keep in this house! (we use the fat free). It's

the best tasting we've found, with a great texture, which is hard to find with fat-free. Plus, we only buy organic dairy products, and this is definitely the best as far as yogurt and cottage cheese are concerned. And even their non-organic line is free of artificial hormones.
I have done the draining method once before, and it worked out well, but I was just feeling lazy about it, and wanted to find a ready made thick yogurt. But, it's hard to beat Nancy's, so it's probably a better idea just to drain it. Thanks!

The reason greek yogurt tastes so good is that (correct me if I am wrong). . .

Greek yogurt is made from whole milk, not lowfat or nonfat.

I have made plain ol' yogurt at home from straight whole milk, without adding extra nonfat dry milke to make it thicker, and it is GREAT.

Good, good stuff.

Trader Joes, Bristol Farms.... Greek yogurt just has a bit more tang to it and is VERY smooth

As a side note - I use a Greek Yogurt Product by Korres for my skin and just love the products. ....

I am amazed how wonderful their products are. You can find them at Sephora.

I know, I know it's not the same, but to get that smooth texture and almost

the same taste, I drain my Stoneyfield, non-fat plain yogurt for a while in a coffee filter. Nearly as good but lots cheaper than the real thing which I buy as a treat.
