RECIPE: This sounds weirdly good REC: Scrambled Egg Whites with Peanut Butter



Well-known member
I was looking at for to see if my fave peanut butter is recalled (it is,) and I found this recipe. It sounds as if I should add bacon bits to it as well, since I like peanut butter and bacon on crackers and such.

Maybe I am already jonesing for my recalled peanut butter, and I have not even returned it yet (but I have been eating it, for about a week now, or a little more. . .no ill effects for me.).

Now, if I only knew where to buy chipotle peanut butter. I guess I will need to experiment adding the dried, ground chipotle I have to some other natural peanut butter.

Scrambled Egg Whites with Peanut Butter

3 egg whites

1 tablespoon Sunland Chipotle Chile peanut butter

1 tablespoon water

1 teaspoon olive oil

Salt and pepper to taste

Beat together egg whites, peanut butter and water, until well blended. Heat oil in pan until hot, but not smoky. Pour in mixture and cook on medium heat, slowly stirring, until thoroughly done. Add salt and pepper to taste and serve immediately.

I know this would get reactions like this, but Spicy, peanut and. . .

relatively flavorless eggwhite. . . I love chipotle powder, have favorite non-sweetened peanut butter.

Tell you what, when I try it I will report. Maybe I will throw some Thai curry powder in there as well, eat on a flour tortilla with some sprouts, mint, basil and lettuce and call it a thai wrap. . .

I'm afraid I'd eat Lemon Meringue Pie topped with Blue Cheese Dressing first.

This was a college-years morning-after threat. (Cue stomach turn-age)

Would you eat a Peanut butter, mayo and fried egg sammy?

Just typing that grossed me out--and I don't even get heartburn any more. . .

Larry used to eat fried baloney (Luger's jumbo in Pittsburgh), grape jelly + butter on white bread.

I made up a basket of the stuff one Christmas. Took me longest to find Keystone White Bread...the squishy stuff.

You know, I could actually see that. Love fried'd kinda be like BBQ.

I haven't had fried bologna (from a whole bologna as opposed to pre-sliced) since I was a kid but it was always this bizarre treat around the house.

You haven't lived until you have had a bbq bologna sandwich.

Seriously, some of the bbq joints put bologna chubs in the smoker. Sliced with bbq sauce & chopped onion on a soft bun it is divine. I've done it myself when I can find a piece of a chub rather than a whole one.

I never knew balogna was so yummy until I had it fresh sliced from the deli - who knew?

All we ever had growing up was prepackaged Oscar Meyer, which is nothing like fresh.
