RECIPE: This was really good Dawn's posted rec: Soy simmered chicken w/ Pat's notes

Thanks barb_b!

I haven't made this in awhile and it sounds so good! Thanks
for reminding me of an oldie but goodie. I do what Pat does, throw everything in at the beginning and let it cook.

Can I omit the cilantro?

DH isn't fond of cilantro, or if I put it in in the beginning will it mellow sufficiently?

I did not add cilantro. (Sorry, forgot to mention that). It is so expensive now, and only lasts a

few days. I did not add it.

When you buy cilantro at the store, bring it home and put the cut or root ends in a glass of water

then place a light plastic bag over the top (like the bags you get from the produce section) and put it in your fridge. I keep my cilantro for 2 weeks this way. It also grows in your yard/garden easily. Give it morning sun in hot areas, or full sun on coastal or cooler areas. It will bolt when it gets too hot, but OMG the fresh garden cilantro is so aromatic and yummy.

It's the 1 herb I can't grow. Wait...dill also hates Florida. I want to grow

it in the worst way because we only like it in small doses and it kills me to pay for it.

dill freezes well ...more

When dill is at my farmer's market, I buy a bunch and freeze it in a narrrow cylinder shape tightly wrapped in plastic. When I need some I unwrap the end and cut in chiffonade-fashion.

Will try out the fridge method. I have tried many times to grow it, butnever great results. Tx for

the fridge tip.
