Thought this was a lovely idea. A friend of mine put a basket on her porch labeled


Well-known member

Help your self to some goodies to enjoy on your route.

Thanks so much for all you do this time of year

Happy Holidays!

She filled her basket with some candy / cookies / snacks, bottled water and iced tea.

Thought it was a nice idea.


I always have a sweet ready for my UPS, USPS and FedEx drivers - I get deliveries a couple times a week. It really makes their day (although honestly, seeing their face light up really makes mine!)

What a great idea, too bad all my packages have come it, I would love to have done that! Thanks for

sharing that.

Even though we have a locking mailbox with a drop box for packages, our mailman

always brings our box to us along with our mail and stays for a few minutes to catch up with our news. His name is Bernie and he is such a nice person.
