Thread Prefixes

Paul host
Staff member
It used to be pretty common for members to start threads by manually including a prefix in the thread subject like "ISO:" or "REC:" so that a subject might be something like:
"ISO: oven temperatures at high elevation"
"REC: Maple Ginger Pork Chops"

So now you can use a selector and not have to type in the prefix. Currently there are only two prefixes ISO (In Search Of) and REC (Recipe)

Another somewhat less commonly used prefix was NFRC.

Any thoughts on the usefulness of this feature? Would it be useful to also include "NFRC" and a few others that I was considering were:

Aside from improving the display of the forum threads, another benefit of using these defined prefixes is in sorting search parameters. So when you do a search, you can have the search limited to only posts with say a REC: prefix.