Three years blogging today!

Congratulations Sally, I enjoy your blog. Your breads look amazing. My sympathy over the electric

stove. I just moved and got stuck with an electric cooktop after 15 years of using gas. I hope you don't have the problem with your pans spinning about as you stir. I don't know what that's about, even All-Clad does it.

I think one of the keys to using an electric stove is to keep two burners going

at different temps. It's just impossible to get one up to speed then try to lower the heat before the food burns...

Good tip, thanks!

My first dinner cooked at the new home was a shrimp moqueca. You start by sauteeing some shallots or onions. I used shallots.

Let's say the dish had additional layers of depth of flavor due to scorched shallots as one of the ingredients...

I wasn't happy.

I also burned my hand. Twice.

We desperately need to get a gas line installed, but that turned out a bit more complicated than we anticipated. Still, we'll deal with one problem at a time...

Congrats, Sally!

I am still enjoying making your oven-fried chicken every once in awhile. Comfort food at it's best.

Thanks, everyone!

It's been a lot of fun to keep it going, although lately with our moving day approaching things have been a bit more complicated than usual

Let's see what year 4 brings, right?


When you told me you were starting a blog,

I knew I would eventually be saying, "I knew her when."

With my electric burners, I simply pull pots off the heat in order to lower the temp hurriedly. I

saw some chef do that in a cooking class I took once, and it's worked fine for me for years now. Of course, I'd much prefer a gas stove, but I find an electric oven is much preferred. Have thought about gas burners with an electric oven as I know they make that combination now, but simply haven't taken the plunge yet in that direction.
