Place a wide skillet with about one inch of water on a burner.
Place your chopped chocolate in a heatproof bowl (stainless steel or tempered glass), and set the bowl directly in the water.
Bring the water to a simmer, then turn off the flame and let the chocolate sit until it is melted.
"Yes, it's OK if the bowl touches the water — it can touch the bottom of the skillet, too. That old advice about not letting the bottom of the bowl touch the water when melting chocolate has got to go! The steam that's trapped in a double boiler is hotter than water so you're actually in a better, gentler situation with the water bath."
Note: You will still have to exercise caution not to splash water into the melted chocolate, which will cause the chocolate to sieze up and become hard and grainy. Be sure to stir the chocolate gently when it is in the water bath and to remove the bowl of melted chocolate from the water with care.
Place your chopped chocolate in a heatproof bowl (stainless steel or tempered glass), and set the bowl directly in the water.
Bring the water to a simmer, then turn off the flame and let the chocolate sit until it is melted.
"Yes, it's OK if the bowl touches the water — it can touch the bottom of the skillet, too. That old advice about not letting the bottom of the bowl touch the water when melting chocolate has got to go! The steam that's trapped in a double boiler is hotter than water so you're actually in a better, gentler situation with the water bath."
Note: You will still have to exercise caution not to splash water into the melted chocolate, which will cause the chocolate to sieze up and become hard and grainy. Be sure to stir the chocolate gently when it is in the water bath and to remove the bowl of melted chocolate from the water with care.