To all you brilliant people who know how to adjust a recipe. The recipe calls for 1.75 liters of


Well-known member
alcohol. I have a 750 ml bottle. I found that the 1.75 is about 59 oz. and the 750 is about 25. How do I adjust the rest of the ingredients (4 lb sugar and 4) 750 ml of water)

Or should I just drink the 9 oz of alcohol and be done with it?

I'm not brilliant but I used to be a math teacher...

Use ratio and proportion.

750 ml / 1750 ml = 0.42 (or, if you prefer, 25 oz / 59 oz = 0.42)

If you then multiply 0.42 by 4 lb of sugar you get 1.68 lb or just under 1 lb 11 oz.

When you multiply 0.42 by 750 ml water, you get 315 ml or about 10.6 fluid oz, or about 1 1/3 cups.

But by all means use the simpler calculation and drink the 9 oz! smileys/smile.gif

I agree with Lana...drink the booze! Math will do that to you. But I also agree with her math.

What "number" times 750 milliliters gives you 1.75 liters?
? times 0.75 liter = 1.75 liter
? x 3/4 = 1 3/4 (which is = 7/4)
? = 7/4 x 4/3
? = 7/3 = 2.333

The original recipe is 2 1/3 times bigger than your bottle of booze.

To reduce the rest of the recipe, invert that number >>
1 over 2.333 = .428

That is now your multiplier to reduce each item in your original recipe.

Skål !

It's a recipe for limoncello a friend gave me and I've been making for years. It's really

Smooth and delicious but it takes 3 weeks!

Oh, yes. I assumed the measure was for wine. I have made limoncello a number

of times and in various time lines. I honestly find that the 10 day is the same as the 40 day!! I will also say I've nver made it in more that a 0.75 liter bottle of vodka--but I do use the high test 100 proof always, since it is basically diluted in half with my recipes. Makes a lot--and I give a lot away.
I have a killer recipe for limoncello cheesecake and don't forget to serve it as a topping for ice cream for dessert!! LOL How can that be bad.
Reminds me to put some to take to the beach in a couple of weeks for all to enjoy.
DS and DDIL went to Italy last year and brought back a basil liqueur which I also have made. It is a delicious sip after a big holiday dinnner.

Honey, the one I made took 80 days! It ends up a clear golden color, but what I really

wanted was that opaque yellowish color!

Have you tried making a slushy with it? Scoop of lemon gelato topped with iced limoncello. Instant brain freeze headache, but so worth it.

And eventually, if you have enough of them, your mouth goes numb and the BF headache goes least until the next morning.

Mine sits 90 days - 45 days in the peel, then add more vodka and simple syrup and another 45 days

what color is yours? And what is the intial soaking liquid? I used Grain alcohol and

wonder if that is why I lost the bright yellow color.

Mine ends up looking more like a liqueur....golden and Scotch-y looking.

Mine is gold, too. I use grain alcohol, also. I dont think it's too sweet. I keep it in the

freezer. It's really nice to sit on the deck and sip small glasses of it. The last time I served it I think too much was consumed and they ended up just slugging it from the bottle!

It's a lemony yellow. I use Smirnoff - get it in the big bottles

I prefer to use something I can drink straight - so I use one of the names -usually Smirnoff goes on sale more than the others.

1 big bottle (look like a jug) and the zest of about 15 lemons. 45 days later add another big bottle of vodka and the simple syrup and 45 more days.

Total yummmmmmmmmmmm

Oh - and it's stored in the closet out of light - maybe that's the reason for the color?

No, mine was stored in the dark too. Since the same thing happened to Cyn, I'll bet

the higher alcohol content is modifying the color.

A guy here at work followed an Orlando Sentinel version and it was only 3 weeks using vodka. His ended up that perfect Provence yellow.
