To check out: Boston Cream Cupcakes - Cook's Illustrated

I've made BCC's quite often for the library. One of the secrets is to fill

the pastry hole while the custard is warm. It seems to make a big difference. If both cake & custard are cold, then the pudding just sets up in its little tomb.But when warm, the pudding gently melts into the surrounding cake and gives it a wonderful moistness.

This was also my childhood favorite cake. But we made it from a box kit: cake mix, pudding & icing.

All in one neat little package.

I'm confused...the directions say to cut into the cupcake 1/8" from edge!!!

That would be cutting away most of the cupcake and leave a fragile, it would take 3 Tbl. pastry cream to fill it!

I've made chocolate cupcakes with whipped cream filling, and I use a

pastry bag and pipe it into the top of the cupcake and then put the icing over it.

Cheezz, I think she pulled that step from another recipe. The image looks like she just used one of

those cupcake corer plugs. There's no way the sides would be that straight if you cut on a 45 degree angle.

I used an apple corer on the last batch I did and must say that it didn't remove as much cake as it needed. Looked okay, but there just wasn't enough pastry custard to make me happy.,or.r_qf.&biw=1443&bih=692&dpr=1&sns=1&wrapid=tljp138045697411003&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=IhpIUs_vKIvC9QS11oGICg#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=KHJNRbFfy-kegM%3A%3Bmcd3mMhp2zT8AM%

The whipped cream holds it shape enough to use a pastry bag. I just

push the tip into the top of the cupcake and squeeze until cream starts to come to the surface. Then I put the frosting on top with a small spatula. You could dip it also, but I just use the spatula.

I can't visualize...if you don't cut away any cupcake and just stick the pastry tip in....

how is there room for the whipped cream? Where does it go?!
