To check out: Chocolate Truffle Cookies with Crackly Crust - from Tom Douglas

If I have Dark Chocolate vs bittersweet, can I use it in this recipe?

It is a "Pound Plus" Dark chocolate bar from Trader Joe's, with no percentages listed on it.

It does day "Cocoa Solids = 54%" in the ingredients, but I know this is not the percentage on the labeling usually refers to - am I correct?

The term "Dark Chocolate" is so misused it drives me mad! It's just a general term for both

bittersweet and semi-sweet. The 54% cacao solids would usually be in the semi-sweet category, although, there have never been any strict standards established. One brand's bittersweet chocolate is often another brand's semisweet. I use 60% in general when a recipe calls for bittersweet, unless otherwise indicated, such as using a 70% chocolate, etc. Also, 60% is the general standard for baking with bittersweet, because the higher percentages will yield a drier result if they're not specifically indicated.

If you use the 54%, it will be sweeter than using the listed bittersweet. I've tried the Pound Plus, and I find it pretty sweet. But, you can definitely use it as a sub for bittersweet.

My sister says the same thing but I've tried the same recipe, once using bittersweet and

thenext time "dark" and they tasted entirely different. Maybe it's just me.

Thanks for the info! To add to the confusion, Trader Joe's carries many Pound Plus bars -

Milk Chocolate
Bittersweet bar (with almonds, which is why I didn't buy it,not sure if they have a nut-free version of this one)
"Dark" Chocolate with no percentage
70% Dark Chocolate

I have found in the past when I sub dark chocolate with 70% or above in recipes that call for semi-sweet or bittersweet chocolate, the results are less sweet and can take on a "muddy" quality.

That's because the chocolate producer has not specified what the percentages are, so you don't know

how sweet or bitter the chocolates are.

Yeah, it's very confusing, thanks to companies who don't have the decency to list

the cacao percentages and because no real standards in general have been established!

I believe the "dark" Pound-Plus is the equivalent of their former "Bittersweet."

At least I haven't noticed a difference, and my truffles and Queens of Sheba seem the same.
