To check out: German Chocolate Cake Brownies

I am going to make these Thursday or Friday for Russian Christmas!

My friend has invited me to her celbration and she was going to buy a fancy dessert (gasp!) so naturally I suggested making something yummy instead. But having lost my mojo I am feeling quite hesitant about trying anything - surely I can make brownies though. Fingers crossed!!!

I think your mojo is back---it takes some good mojo to re-heat well, like the turkey. go for it!

It might be, tonight I caramelized onions properly and assembled a massive turkey panino - open face

plus a cream of broccoli soup using the massively overcooked broccoli from yesterday. Both were okay!!! Whew! I've been wondering, what to do, I've been able to cook pretty darn well since 1983 and perhaps earlier, so this mojoitis is perplexing.

But my plans for making these brownies has been vetoed by my hostess, they want chocolate cake with a rich frosting and raspberry. I'm not sure I'm up to that besides I've been invited to a boozy lunch earlier that day so.....

Is there a rich gooey chocolate brownie that has a gooey raspberry layer ir topping with chocolate frosting? I'm scaredy catish to invent anything this week...
