To check out: Green Onion Oil Deviled Eggs

Thank you for the post! I have never seen this method. . .

I am going to try it with our ultra-fresh eggs from our chickens. . .

Can't wait to hear how they turn out. From the blog it looks like 15-20 min is too long.

The pictured eggs had the overcooked gray ring.

I steamed eggs in a bamboo steamer in the 1970s when I took a Chinese cooking class

Forgot all about it- it did work but it is so easy to just boil them.

When you have to harden 100's of eggs, you steam in the oven!

I used to steam eggs in the oven at work, huge trays of water over steamer trays, but I don't remember for how long- they were always perfect though, might try it again at home now
