To chek out: Cardamom Coffee Cake

I am heading to the kitchen, preheating the oven RIGHT NOW! I looked at the site

and I stopped reading after about three posts, just drooling all over my keyboard.

Meryl, I am determined that this need to bake is a genetic (dis) order of some sort. It just is not

possible to take the baking out of the girl!

"Hello, my name is Steve2 and I love desserts . . . "

I really love to bake too, not only a stress reliever but such a real outlet for creativity.

As I gain experience, I realize I'm channeling my maternal grandmother who was "the baker" of the family before she passed. She was a small but feisty old-world broad who took chit from no one. We loved her so.

Fortunately, I work with a large cast and crew so whatever I make can be tasted at home, then pawned off as treats to "those-who-woill-eat-anything-not-nailed-down". Phew!

hey, I work with another crew of "those" people. they love any baked goods, or unbaked for that

matter(spiced nuts,krispy treats . . .) they even buy me baking supplies.

Not yet -- it is printed and on a magnet on my refrigerator. Had to get book club out of the way.

I did make the almond plum cake last week and it was tasty! Great flavor, and the plums softened up into a liquidy gel that was really nice in there. I'm making applesauce tomorrow, and maybe I'll get to the cardamom cake for the weekend.

When is the wedding?

We leave tomorrow! Wedding is Saturday with a 'costume party reception' at her house smileys/smile.gif

Actually, the wedding will be in Fredericksburg, with the reception the next night back in Austin. Hope y'all are getting some nice weather all set for us - can't wait!
