today's question. how many times per hour do you...

A related question... How many times a day do you

log into the swap to see what's new?

I'll start: Way too many:)

for me, it really depends on how my day is going. sometimes I have plenty of time

to read and post. other times, just as I pop in something comes up and I'm out again.

yesterday what popped in was chipmonk, thanks to Kai, who let it loose in the bedroom. removed Kai and got rescue box. after 20 heart pounding minutes of trying to coral the little guy, I had to call in an expert. within 5 minutes Kai had it cornered and I boxed it and safely released it.

with me, ya never know... '-))

Before I hit the "mark read" button, about every 2-3 minutes!!...

Always afraid I will turn the new ones "read" before I have read them, and will miss them completely. ;o)

I wonder about that too.. does opening a post to read...

what's inside automatically "refresh" and add new posts -or do you have to actually hit "refresh"? I read everything new that looks interesting to me, then hit "Mark read" and have assumed I've seen everything - but maybe not? So what does hitting "refresh" often do exactly? Do you refresh before moving on from each post? Even then couldn't you miss something new posted above where you are?

I think so - opening a post automatically "refreshes"... Mimi?

At least I think so.

I "worry" (well...) about skimming over the unread posts, deciding I don't want to open them up (so they stay red), then having brand-new posts (since I logged on) them get lost in the shuffle when I hit "mark read".

I think everytime you go back to the "main page" it refreshes. So if you are caught in between reading one post and returning to the main page, the new posts (since you have been into that new post) would appear the color red. So be careful about hitting the "mark read" command, because it will turn everything grey, whether or not you have actually read it or not. I think.

Hitting "refresh" would just do what I said above, if I am wrong and it doesn't automatically refresh when you go back to home. I don't refresh before moving on from each post, I just do it when I think of it; but yes, you could miss something new if you hit that "mark read" too fast ;o)
