Tomahawk steaks...anyone cook one of these? I think this will be Christmas dinner for the two of us


Well-known member
Should I do it like a regular prime rib? I butcher we discovered here in Naples carries them and they looked interesting. They also have Poussin, pheasant, wild boar, wild boar bacon, antelope, elk, kangaroo, and tubs of duck fat.

That's interesting, I've not seen one cut like that. A butcher shop here has bone-in filet mignon

which seems like an oxymoron to me. It looks similar to the ribeye, just smaller. I would think one would prepare the tomahawk steak the same as the regular bone-in ribeye.

Are you settled in? I hate to admit I still walk from the sink to where the fridge would have been in the old house and stand there staring at the microwave instead..

Depending on thickness and desired degree of doneness, this is a really simple method: Salt, pepper

and olive oil the room temperature steak. Place in a hot, cast iron fry pan, sear both sides until crusty (4-5 minutes a side.) Slide the steak, in its pan, into a pre-heated 350°F oven for 15-25 minutes until the inner temperature reaches 129°F (for medium rare.) Remove pan from oven, put the steak on a plate and let it rest for 10 minutes. For that "professional steak house" touch, rub it with a pat of really good butter before serving.

I keep looking for the wall oven! It really is a learning experience going from a brand new house

to a house that is 20 years old. Even though there is more counter space in the kitchen there is a lot less cabinet space. The cabinets are not as deep so a lot of platters and cooking pots don't fit in them. I now have kitchen stuff in the garage, laundry room, and a bedroom closet. Maybe I have too much stuff?

I hung the dining room chandelier last weekend but will wait till after Christmas to install the ceiling fans and other light fixtures.

We are taking a break to put up Christmas. No guests this year which is a good thing since the guest room is piled high with unopened boxes.

I don't like black granite.

I don't like black granite too. So difficult to get looking really clean and with a white cat it's

even worse. Her hair just flies everywhere but lands only on black. However, I can see if any little paw prints have sneaked onto it overnight.

Pretty though, isn't it?

I find multi-surface cleaners like Windex do a pretty good job. What I don't like is the reflection

of the overhead LED lights, especially on the island. Someone said it's like having a pincushion for a ceiling. So true.
