This brings up something I've wanted to do for a long time. What do you think about
having a section up in T&T dedicated to favorite cookbooks? I'd love to have a single spot where books are listed, and then we could go in and comment on recipes we've tried from it...what our favorite were, etc.
I had a cookbook group and for several years we'd meet once a month. Each person would bring a dish from the same cookbook...and some months we would easily tackle 10-12 dishes from the book. It was a really great way to get a deeper look at the books rather than the one or two recipes I may try randomly.
Which bring me to another point, could we do something like that virtually here? Like we pick one book a month and anyone who wanted to, could make a recipe and chime in on it? Next month, new book.
In our group, we covered books new on the market but after a few chef cookbooks, we hit a number of duds, so we switched to the classics. It was a great way to get into the books....
What do you think?