Totally NFR: Just found out my wonderful MD. is retiring at the end of the year and I have to find a


Well-known member
new doctor. I have a list and would like to do some FREE research on background etc. Anyone know of a site. Everything I've found is "pay per view"

if they are working with a hospital in your area, the hospital's website might

have info????
Also, would it be unethical for your doctor to recommend someone?
I am facing that now myself, am thinking about moving and understand it is hard to find a primary care physican who will take new Medicare people.
Since I retired (1st time) Medicare is my primary insurance and the retirement insurance picks up the rest.
Good Luck and check back with what you find.

If your MD knows you well, ask him for a referral that he/she thinks

would be a good fit for you. It definately is not a conflict for them to recommend someone. Also, ask the staff what offices they might recommend, trust me, they know the good the bad and the ugly about all the docs in your community. You can also ask your MD who he or his family sees. Ask everyone you know who they could recommend and WHY they like that doctor...what works for one person doesn't work for another. Good luck!

He gave us a list of doctors who are accepting new patients. There are so many

elderly people in this area that many are not. I've asked friends but I'm more particular than they are. I'm in charge of my health with the doctor's help. There are many md's in the area who feel it's wrong to question them.
Not my kind of doctor.

One way to reduce the number of Drs on your list is to

find out which accept your insurance. Also if you are near multipe hospitals, but only want to go to a certain one, then you may reduce the list, by finding which Drs are affiliated with that hospital.
