Totally NFRC: DH says I'm really strange. I just bought a car and I'm in a panic.


Well-known member
What if I lose my job? What if the house burns down.

I HATE spending so much money for a car.

Am I really strange or do others feel the same way?

This is why my husband and I bought our FIRST new car (ever) with cash. .

and for that matter we saved and bough ALL the cars we have owned for cash...

Couldn't do it with the house, but we saved, got lucky with husband's work's IPO and paid that off ASAP also.

The above are good, as hubby has been laid off just about a year now. . . !

It doesn't matter to me whether it's cash or credit, I panic. It's called buyer's remorse, lol. I

get over it, but it's a case of trying to second-guess everything and always afraid I'm making a bad decision. I have always admired people who can make decisions easily and not look back. Dh is kind of like that.

Our credit rating went down because we don't owe on anything! We've always

paid cash, too, but I don't want to deplete the bank account. I think it's really sad when your rating goes down because you don't borrow money!

No you are not. I worked for a company that was bought and sold over and over and

had almost monthly layoffs. I was always afraid to commit to any big ticket item, but then decided that I couldn't always live my life being afraid. I have a paid-off truck and only owe three more years on my house, despite having spent some pretty long stretches unemployed after lay-offs. Life has a way of working itself out.

I guess you could bring your credit rating back up if you. . .

kept a small balance on the card, say like a couple hundred dollars, something you could pay off easily, and then only make minimum payments on it and just charge enough to keep it at what ever money amount you wished. Of course there is the interest, but mebbe not so bad if your credit rating goes up. . .
