Totally NFRC: Have any of you joined an internet trading group? I read


Well-known member
a review of several in the Wall Street Journal and thought this would be a good way to get rid of some things (hate garage sales) I just looked at swaptree and bookmooch for books and dvd's. My dad was an opera and jazz fan and I'm not so they're just gathering dust. Also have more books than I have room for.


There's a swap free group in every community. I belong to one..It's amazing how fast things go.

I've asked for composters; I never got an answer and glad now I didn't get one. But people have tons of stuff they give away, they post that you can ask for in an email, if you're the first you get it....or they just say they put it all out in the front yard, first come first serve, etc.

Everyone that has stuff to get rid of is thrilled at how it works and lots of people are happy at what they get free.

I haven't actually participated any more than my 1 request.

there was a segment of Today Show about these swap groups.

that was this morning, monday 10/13. I think they have the info posted on the website for some of these.

I belong to bookmooch and find it pretty good. I have sent many ...

books abroad and people also send me. There are limits since not everyone will send abroad. But I imagine for the US it must be simply great. Saves tons of money I used to spend on books.
