Totally NFRC: NYC, here I come: Oct 9-12, staying at the Lexington (48h & Lex)


Thanks, Colleen!

Sandra, I'm at home now but will look forward to info on tours at my work email. Thank you!

If anyone else will be in town, I'd love to meet up. So far all I've got planned is Central Park and Brooklyn Bridge walk (probably catch the subway back from that.)

My work schedule has me getting up at 4:00 AM so I'm not sure how I'll handle the timing then...right now I wake up at 4:30 even on the weekends. Today I walked the beach boardwalk IN THE DARK. Felt safe, though because a bunch of surfers were also walking out to the beach.

Please still keep suggesting ideas. I totally suck at planning trips: here's an example. Lar and I were into our 3rd (of 5) weeks traveling with cheap backpacks, staying in garrets and eating very frugally. I was church'd & museum'd out. It was miserably hot, muggy and humid in Venice (mid-July) and we were sweating and exhausted from walking around. I finally found shade in a corner of a large square and we just sat there, planning on how to escape the heat. Lar suggested going into a church (because they were always cool) or movie (free A/C!) but I had had enough of those.

As a result, I missed seeing one of the most magnificent cathedrals--St. Mark's Basilica--in all of Europe simply because I was hot and miserable and cranky.

See what I mean. I'm my own worse travel agent. WHO GOES TO VENICE AND MISSES GOING INSIDE THE BASILICA???

Me, that's who. Worse still...I was SITTING on its very steps while complaining about the heat.

Go ahead. Look at the link and see what I LITERALLY TURNED MY (hot and sweaty) BACK ON.'s+cathedral+venice&biw=1838&bih=961&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAWoVChMIm8rDj7OXyAIVSF0eCh05Fwps

Don't know if this would interest you but in all the times we have

been stuck in NY not being able to get on a plane we wished we had know about the High Line Park as well as Chelsea Market. I would absolutely love to go to Chelsea's. And the park was built on the old high line railway and I think it would be nice to spend some time. I know there are a variety of things going at different times and a restaurant I think. I've linked an article about it so you can see if it's something you might enjoy.

My 2 fav things in NYC were the Met Museum and Papaya King juice drink

I loved the juice so much I got extra and kept some in the hotel min fridge the whole trip I had some each morning - can't find anything like it here. I also love the tap water.... Queen Victoria had is shipped to her or something like that.

We were there for 2 weeks with a native NYer and saw all the things, incl a private tour of Food TV studios, but think those were my favorites. The Met...swoon.

More NFRC: This is me, eyebrowless and totally whacked out on Valium.

Dr. F is smiling because I apparently signed away my spare kidney in the 483 pages of legalese I signed before this surgery (2nd of 4). I'm smiling because my brain is currently residing in Valley of the Dolls, 1967.

If we ever meet, I'll definitely pencil on eyebrows but the hair net and forehead graffiti would add a certain joie de vivre.

Ha! I would love to catch up with you. Unfortunately, the only day that would work would be 10/9

in early afternoon. (11:00 or so). Reach out on email and let me know what you are thinking of doing this time. I can get into city by 10:30 and need to leave early afternoon for school pickups.

If we do not catch up. have a wonderful time!!


Damn. Flight arrives at LaG at 12:08. Then I have a bus ticket to Grand Central

but that takes an hour.

Leaving Monday in the after noon: 6:00 flight.


I thoroughly enjoyed the food tasting and cultural walking tour through

Greenwich village through the company at the link. It was about 3 hours long and very well priced for the content. I highly recommend doing one of the guided food and walking tours.

Oh man, I would do every one of those! We did a food walking

tour of Little Havana in Miami last year and I couldn't recommend it more. We certainly were full at the end and had so much fun.

I just showed this to John and he pointed out there isn't one for Harlem.

That would be interesting too. Now we both want to go.

Lots and lots of eye get ready for...another eye surgery.

I need to have a fold in my retina fixed, but had cataracts on both eyes. Doctor required cataracts be taken care of first. So...

Right eye was done.
Then left eye was done.
Then YAG laser on left eye was done.
Then PRK laser was done on right.

With a boatload of eye appointments in between.
I was whacky for all of them except the YAG.

I'm seeing much better now, but right eye is still healing.

Well, dang! If I'd known that I would have insisted on a meet up

while you couldn't see that well. LOL! Glad all is going well.
