Traca, I have to thank you for the inspiration. I think Lar's going to be very happy.

My friends, you have NO IDEA how easy this was. Oh. Right. Let me tell you how easy it was.

1. Get a friend to get rid of husband for a few hours.
2. Run out to grocery store and BUY an iced cake.
3. Buy 10 Kit-Kat candy bars (I think I used 8.5 bars)
4. Break bars in half and glue to sides using a daub of fudge topping.
5. Melt a jar of Dyslexic sauce for 30 seconds and pour on top.
6. Tie ribbon around cake to hide Kit-Kat logo on bars and hold the barrel staves tight against the cake.
7. Root around box of assorted "pig knickknacks" and find two with appropriate mud-wallowing sybaritic expressions.
8. Bury them in the "mud" and smear a bit on them.
9. Whip up icing to pipe on message.
10. Get a Q-Tip and wipe excess mud from girl-pig's face.
11. Pause and ponder the UTTER ABSURDITY of taking the time to wash chocolate mud off of a ceramic pig's face.
12. Wait to surprise husband who didn't return for NINE HOURS. I could have baked 10 cakes in that time. Heck, I could have mined the ore and smelted the metal to make the baking pans in that much time.

Wonderful job! It makes me feel soooo embarrassed...

... I can barely pull a simple cake like the clementine, in which almost no skill is needed...

I am in complete awe...

Happy Birthday to Larry!

thanks for the tutorial. easy peasy.

when saw the first cake that Traca posted, the first thing I thought of was your Dyslexic sauce. well done.
