for 30 days. You are quite right...the recipes are very simple, but she goes on for PAGES discussing technique in intimate details. Her simple roasted chicken/bread salad was four pages long...and I must have read it three times to appreciate the subtle changes in method. I also used my I-Pad to snap her discussion for braised beef. I have high hopes for that. Even something as simple as her (paraphrased) statement "we don't roast our vegetables first before braising the meat because we want a purer flavor" made me pause. I always though roasting first was a good idea, but if you are going to roast/braise the meat for 3-4 hours, then you're OVER-COOKING the veggies.
Subtle. Clever woman.
I'm still envious of the quality food she is able to source. I won't even bother making her sorbets since our fruit here is mediocre, but it was a very educational book. Thank you!
Subtle. Clever woman.
I'm still envious of the quality food she is able to source. I won't even bother making her sorbets since our fruit here is mediocre, but it was a very educational book. Thank you!