Translation please


Well-known member
These are English (UK) labels and I am not absolutely sure what they are. I have an idea, but would like help in identifing what could be the US equivalent?:Thanks

Golden Syrup

Double Cream

Corn Flour

Tapioca Maltodextrin

My two cents worth

Golden Syrup--light treacle, a syrup from sugar cane or beets. Sub light corn syrup with a tsp. of molasses

Double Cream--there is no sub and you cannot buy this in the states, unless you have a cow or a share in a cow. It is the thick, unpasteurized, cream that floats to the top of the milk. Whipping cream is like skim milk compared to double cream and is an American shame.

Corn Flour--Corn Starch

Tapioca Maltodextrin--tapioca starch. Very similar to tapioca flour which can be subbed if you can't find the starch. You would just need to use a little more. Indian groceries usually carry the Tapioca Malto

OMG, I think I may have to order a jar of Devon Double the reviews on it from the link

Thanks. It was much faster to post this and get help, then spending the time on the computer, too

much honey doos.

I am going to have to try TJs and see if they have the Double Cream. I wonder if some TJs carry

products other TJs don't?

Thank you for this, Richard. Didn't know about the corn syrup/molasses sub for golden syrup. Good

to know.
