trash can turkey photos

Man, that looks good. I'm especially impressed with the metallic booties...

And you know...I now wonder if those huge unexplained crop circles were actually made by aliens cooking mutant-size turkeys in humongous spaceship-size trashcans?'s an idea.

{to be honest, I didn't pick up on the comment that the photo takes you on to the slide show. I'm slow today.}

Thanks Sarah!

Sarah, that looks like fun!! Thank Mar for the tip on clicking on the photo.I also missed that.

Your bird looks like he saying a cheer with the wings/booties.

Looks lovely! Thanks for the pictures! Everyone looks like they were enjoying the experience!!



Our fellas made this for a potluck here at work. Just make sure it's not too cold out. It took too

long on a very cold day and the turkey didn't get done. The one they made last summer was super, and they saved the carcass for me to make creamy turkey chili for everyone.

Nice pictures, Sarah, although I have to admit, everytime I look at the first picture

it looks like he's sitting on a commode. ;o)

HA!! You're right Dawn... But seriously, I think for the amount of foil you used....

you could've BOUGHT it already cooked! smileys/smile.gif

The best part was that everyone seemed to be having such a good time with it, and that's what it's all about. Sure looked yummy.
