trifle report



It took most of a day to make and generated a lot of dirty pans and bowls but was very good and impressed my guests. I would make it again, assuming berries in season and adequate time. My bowl was a little smaller than called for in the recipe so I only used 1 lb strawberries and had a little pastry cream and cake left over.

If anyone wants the recipe but does not want to give ATK their email address, I have it in a word file.

Very impressive, + I'm glad 2 hear it tasted good, 2. Now I'll have 2 figure out how 2 incorporate

a little melted white chocolate, and voila, I have my first recipe selected for next year's Chocolate Festival. Thanks!

OR just click on the video button as all the ingredients + amounts are mentioned in it.

(Meaning the video button out at the ATK link site.)
