liquid around the seeds has more flavor than the flesh? According to a note in the July CI magazine, it's true.
"According to a study published in the Journal of Agricultral and Food Chemistry, that's because the seeds and jelly actually contain three times the amount of flavor-enhancing glutamic acid as the flesh. (This is the compound that supplies the savory quality known as umami in many foods. So the next time a recipe calls for removing the seeds from tomatoes, you may want to ignore the instructions. You'll be saving time."
"According to a study published in the Journal of Agricultral and Food Chemistry, that's because the seeds and jelly actually contain three times the amount of flavor-enhancing glutamic acid as the flesh. (This is the compound that supplies the savory quality known as umami in many foods. So the next time a recipe calls for removing the seeds from tomatoes, you may want to ignore the instructions. You'll be saving time."