I will be joining the current Master Gardener 2022 class in NC when I get home mid-August. The class started last week but the teacher provided me with current class assignments and reading materials.
Basically, it's a established fact that I kill everything. However, my 1.5 acre property is loaded with invasive weeds and I want to kill those thorny, eye-swelling suckers. However, I'm also on well water so it's rather important that I not kill myself in the process. This is why I'm taking this course.
This image was on the WNC (Western North Carolina) Urban Farms facebook page.
I love when things is easy for me to understand. In this case, the code number tells you quite simply what you're buying.
Basically, it's a established fact that I kill everything. However, my 1.5 acre property is loaded with invasive weeds and I want to kill those thorny, eye-swelling suckers. However, I'm also on well water so it's rather important that I not kill myself in the process. This is why I'm taking this course.
This image was on the WNC (Western North Carolina) Urban Farms facebook page.
I love when things is easy for me to understand. In this case, the code number tells you quite simply what you're buying.