Update to my earlier post, regarding cooking for other people. My eldest came to visit...


Well-known member
...us and brought two of his roommates. He also directed 2 friends from Houston and a young couple and their one-year-old daughter from California to stay with us over the holiday. We had others from Boston come eat with us as well.

We cooked barbecued ham, Semmelknödel with roast beef and gravy, pasta, corn salad and several German and Swiss cookies and breads throughout the weekend. It was well-received, especially by his friend from Switzerland.

We had an awesome time and the energy in the house was amazing! The guests were from China, Bolivia, Taiwan, and Puerto Rico, so we had some terrific discussions about their various homelands and traditions, and their reactions to how we do things here in the US. Such a great Wednesday through Sunday, and we were very sad to see them go.

Plus, the little one-year-old liked my cooking!

So precious!


What a wonderful story and just imagine the memories you made for your guests.

One never forgets gatherings like this. My family made sure I had an outstanding Thanksgiving when I lived in the US in the beginning of my 20-ies. I still remember every detail from that holiday were I stayed with them smileys/heart.gif

Thank you, ladies, for the kind words. We're nothing special, just very blessed to be surrounded...

...by wonderful family and friends.

