
Well-known member
(it came to my attention that the link at the bottom of this page no longer works...*sigh*) Forum User Agreement

The Forum is a community for foodies who want to share recipes, discuss cooking and other food-related topics, make friends with others who share your interest, and have fun.


This community is based on food, friendship, encouragement, and fun.

You must be at least 18 years old to join or be at least 13 years old with the agreement and surveillance of your parent or legal guardian.

Do not create more than one user name. If you do, you will only be permitted to use the FIRST one you created.

Inappropriate screen names will be banned. FinerKitchens determines what is inappropriate.

Do not use finerkitchens in your user name.

Do not join and only post recipes. The FinerKitchens forum is a place for people who want to interact with others.

The forums are monitored. Rules will be enforced where possible. reserves the right to ask anyone to leave at anytime, for any reason.


Please be courteous & polite. If your posts are consistently confrontational you will be asked to leave.

No trolling. Do not post messages with the intent on provoking an argument.

Do not use foul language/profanity.

Do not use alternative spelling or formatting *** for profanity.

Do not post messages with sexual content or questions.

Do not allow anyone else to post under your user name.

Do not post links that start automatic downloads.

Do not ask for donations of any kind.

Do not post messages asking people to email you (use the Private Message system for that).

Do not use this site to promote political agendas.


Only established members (at least 50 posts) are allowed to post and and share other sites, whether in a post, link, signature, profile, or private message. When you have 50 posts, you will be welcome to share your site (or someone else's) and/or add it to your signature, profile, etc. We do this to prevent people from joining simply to drive traffic to their site. Personal sites must follow the Advertising Guidelines listed below.

Do not advertise. Period. If you do, your post will be deleted and you will be banned. This includes links in posts, signatures, & your profile.

Do not post links to your site or to a friend’s or associate’s site with the intent to advertise.

Do not attempt to use the forums for financial gain of any kind.

Do not attempt to use the forums as a way to drive traffic to your site.

Do not post links to affiliate or referral programs where you earn points, cash, etc.

Do not attempt to gain access to the members of this community to deliver any type of message.

Do not ask forum members to email you, PM you, or other otherwise contact you regarding your business, your product, your service, your site, your event, your ministry, etc.

The only possible exception to the advertising rules is if you are an established member of the community (over 50 posts) and someone, unprompted by you, asks a question regarding a product or service that you happen to provide. Then you may honestly respond to the question with a discreet link to your website or other information.

After 50 posts you may post a link to your own website in the "Who Are You" area of the site, and are encouraged to do so.


On the Forums, you are only allowed to post original material. Please do not post things that were written by someone else (even if credit to the author is provided). This includes, (but is not limited to), Song Lyrics, Poetry, Stories, Devotions, News & Magazine Articles, Commentary, Email Forwards, etc.

Recipes published elsewhere and which contain considerable literary expression may be posted as long as you write the recipe in your own words and do not copy the recipe verbatim.

When posting recipes, credit must be given to the developer of the recipe when known.

By posting on the forums, you grant a royalty-free, perpetual, non-exclusive, perpetual, unrestricted worldwide right to display that material in any medium for any purpose.

As a user you agree that any and all posts you make will remain, even if you decide to leave and no longer post here.


By using the Forums you agree to indemnify, Open Chute, Inc. and Xenocast, Inc. and their employees, agents, representatives and third party service providers and agree to hold them harmless from any and all claims and liabilities that may arise from your use of this service.

While the administrators and moderators of this forum will attempt to remove or edit any generally objectionable material as quickly as possible, it is impossible to review every message. Therefore you acknowledge that all posts made to these forums express the views and opinions of the author and not the administrators, moderators or webmaster and hence will not be held liable. will not be held liable for the posts of the individual users of the service.


You agree not to violate the board rules. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned. In extreme cases we will notify your service provider. The IP address of all posts is recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions. You agree that the webmaster, administrator and moderators of this forum have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should they see fit. As a user you agree to any information you have entered being stored in a database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent, the webmaster, administrator and moderators cannot be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised.


Rules listed above apply to both the message boards and the Private Messaging system.

The administrators do not have access to the Private Messaging system and cannot read your messages. However, if you are being harassed by someone via PM, let us know, and we can and will have our programmers manually search the raw database to locate and read the offending message(s).

Your continued use of the forums constitutes your acceptance of this User Agreement in its entirety. If you do not accept this User Agreement in its entirety, do not post here.

More information about the Forum:


This forum system uses cookies to store information on your local computer. They serve only to improve your viewing pleasure.


The e-mail address is used only for confirming your registration details and password (and for sending new passwords should you forget your current one). We do not use your e-mail address for anything else and we do not share it with others. In Account > Account Options > Show E-mail you can decide whether or not to make your e-mail address public. If you do not want your e-mail address to be public, make sure you click “no”.


Posts that violate the User Agreement above will be deleted at our sole discretion. We encourage free discussion: we will not delete posts that link to competitors unless you are affiliated with the competitor and your post is obviously an attempt to advertise the competitor for your own financial (or other) gain.


Please post under the right topic.

Please post descriptive titles in the subject line.

Do not type messages IN ALL CAPS or use formatting that is difficult to read.

Common abbreviations: ISO = In Search Of

REC = Recipe

NT = No text in message

COML or COMN = Click on my link

FRC = Food-related chat

NFRC = Non-rood-related chat
