Using a soda siphon


Well-known member
We finally used a wedding gift certificate and bought ourselves a soda siphon, but the instructions that come with it contradict the instructions that come with the chargers which contradict some advice on the web. So ...

1) Do you use soda water or tap water?

2) Do you fill it or half-fill it?

3) Do you need to charge it before each use if it's been more than a few days?

4) Is each charger only good for one charge?

Thanks for any advice/tips/experience.

I just wondered last week if I could save my deflated "gingerale" using one of these. Waiting with

bated breath to hear the answers.

(Actually, waiting with Lean Cuisine Southwest-style Chicken Panini breath.)

Soda siphon

I have one somewhere -- uses tap water! I'm pretty sure I filled it 3/4 of the way. I left the charger until it was discharged, and once discharged threw it away and used another one.

Did you get a little box of 6 chargers?

I wish I knew where my siphon & stuff is -- It's in a box somewhere and so much FUN!!

I used to have one...

1) Use filtered water. You are making soda.
2) I filled it 3/4 full as Pat said.
3) You shouldn't have to charge it until it's empty. If it goes flat, empty it and start fresh. It should stay bubbly at least a week.
4) One charger creates a siphon of soda. Check Amazon for chargers. The ones I get for my whipped cream charger are much cheaper.

The one I had was very powerful and I lost more Johnnie Walker Red with a heavy blast of soda.
