using whole unpeeled garlic in a stew


Well-known member
The recipe says not to peel the garlic, and then to make sure everyone gets a garlic clove, which they're to squeeze out and mix into their serving. But what happens to the papery skin? Over 5 or 6 hours of cooking, will any loose pieces dissolve? I don't fancy having to pick the skins out of my stew... What's the difference if I start the stew with PEELED cloves?

You can always tie it in cheesecloth and just haul it out when the stew is done and pitch the peel.

i agree with cathy - a tad too cutesy. besides...

if the garlic were left unpeeled, the dish wouldn't get much out of it. i'd either season with roasted garlic or serve a dish of roasted garlic on the side.

i'd love to see the recipe.
