vacuum seal question


Well-known member
Does anyone know why my packages of vegetables that I seal lose their vacuum after a week or so in the freezer? They appear to be still sealed but have frost inside and are no longer "tight". Thanks for any tips anyone has and Happy Thanksgiving.

My experience is that they are not really sealed as well as I thought; or I re-used

a washed one not realizing there was a tiny hole in the bag.

Sometimes after vacuuming you can see that the bag isn't really tight around the contents...that's when they haven't vacuumed and kept their seal as well.

At that point I decide if I'm going to use it soon I don't bother, but if it's going to say in the freezer longer I throw that bag away and get a new one.

Thanks Marsha, mine seem tight around the contents when I put them in but who knows? There may be a

tiny hole. Have you tried those smaller "hand" sealers? I wonder if they're any good?

I've had a similar problem with my Food Saver, so here's what I do.

After sealing the bag, I pull it back about 1/8" and push the Manual Seal button. With a double seal I don't seem to have a problem.

Us too! Saves some headache. Also, if I thnk I can re-use the bag (so raw meat or ...

pokey things like bones) them I make the bag a little extra long. When cutting open I cut close to the second seal.
