Various washes for bread

Do you need to consider getting nuts to stick to the surface?

I always add water or milk to whole egg just to loosen it. I actually can't imagine using just egg. Wouldn't you just end up with an omelet on top?

It was an interesting experiment that Lizzy did.
marg, the nuts are all rolled inside. I ended up using an egg white with heavy cream.

Just so-so appearance.

Decided not to use these for wedding. The dough is yeast and I’m worried it will dry out once sliced and plattered.

Going to add my Dyslexic sauce to the potica nut mixture and fill cream cheese tassiess
Hummm, I only do sourdough, but if you think pie crust egg is shine, I never bother with anything else, but a whipped whole egg. No extra, no waste. Butter I think would be flavor, and water…dunno, I’d go with crispy.