Verrines recently came on my radar and I'm in love with the idea. Anyone here make them? Look how

Not a lot really. I think the idea of the composed plate will never disappear. It takes so

much talent to make it look truly beautiful; I believe that chefs are ever expanding their artistic abilities.

Glasses ('les verres' - in French) filled with layered wonders, are the sort of thing that comes out in the al fresco restaurants more often (perhaps because of climate conditions and serving limitations) and restaurants that need to do some pre-preparation because of volume of guests. At al fresco time, I was always shopping.

They sure are pretty. They were visible but I just didn't notice a special flood of them. Maybe I just wasn't in the right places. I've always wanted to be everywhere at once......eating.

Shall I go back and make sure?

I haven't made one yet - but I keep eying my glasses that are just like the ones in the

Strawberry Mango photo. I picked them up at Cost Plus for a couple of bucks each. I only got two of them, and will go back and get at least two more. We used them for some fancy-schmancy cocktails.

I have a few of those same glasses Lisa, tucked in a closet somewhere. Definitely getting

them out soon to play with verrines.
