Very NFR, what is the proper tip for a hairdresser? For a taxi or other driver? thanks

My SIL has a regular hairdresser and she gives a special holiday tip equalling...

...the average cost of one visit.

When I get my hair cut by my regular miracle worker, I tip $5 on a $20 hair cut fee. At the holiday, I give her an extra tip of $25.

She has the daunting task of making me look my best... hence, the miracle worker label.


I tip my hairdresser $5 on anything $25 or less. If it's more I usually go

20 per cent.

When I go to the city I usually walk or take the subway. If it's raining and you really need a cab there are none around anyway ;-(

Thanks, my hairdresser only sees me maybe three or four times a year. Most of the times wear a

baseball cap or kerchief when working. But like to get a perm when I have time off.
Have been doing the 20% thing? Asked, since she and I have mutual friends, was wondering. She takes so much time and really tries to figure out what one wants.
Our cabs here can't add miles too easy, 30 mile long town.
However in Seattle, which I know very well, a fare can vary from $6 to $9 for the same trip. I am a b****, when I realize they are taking the very long route, I adjust that tip. Probably over tip when I get a very honest one. Funny though, get some 'tude with the guys who cheat and it shows in their tip.
