Vote tally as of 2:45pm EDT 3/16/2011


Well-known member
137.. Alemany Farm

300.. Magnuson Community Garden

70... Hayes Valley Farm

882.. Long Beach Organic (Our Garden)

402.. Ocean View Farms

162.. Boca Raton Community Garden

69... Solano Canyon Community Garden

211.. Seattle Community Farm

151.. Roots in the City

245.. The Last Organic Outpost

516.. Three Brothers Garden

152.. East 13th Community Garden

243.. The Peterson Garden Project

240.. Center for Growing People

181.. Lake Highlands Community Garden

937--Hey Joe, how do you pronounce the name of the garden. Is it

loach, sounds like roach. Or lo-ack? The big guy wondered yesterday because he was ordering some parts for work(think airplane)and one of the companies is Deloach. Just curious.
