Vote tally as of 3:35pm EDT 3/18/2011 (Our garden=1,048)


Well-known member
272.. Alemany Farm

393.. Magnuson Community Garden

83... Hayes Valley Farm

1,048 Long Beach Organic (Our Garden)

461.. Ocean View Farms

211.. Boca Raton Community Garden

82... Solano Canyon Community Garden

220.. Seattle Community Farm

190.. Roots in the City

311.. The Last Organic Outpost

646.. Three Brothers Garden

208.. East 13th Community Garden

397.. The Peterson Garden Project

483.. Center for Growing People

240.. Lake Highlands Community Garden

added my work computer into the mix, so can vote a few more times

I think I made it 1041...this afternoon.

This is so cool! I am so thrilled how you all have rallied around and kept up the momentum

It means so much to me. I keep telling the LBO board and the gardeners about this amazing group of online cooking friends I have that have contributed so substantially to our lead and while they believe me, they can't quite grasp it.

I hope you're all having an easier time voting than I am. My browser crashes if I don't wait until the video is over before I vote. I have to click on the video, mute it, and go get a cup of coffee or something else for 2:59 minutes.

I just click the 'vote' button - it has never required me to watch the video! (I'm on a MAC)

I'm glad. My computer is cheap piece of junk so I'm used to it crashing

I'm glad the rest of you have smooth sailing.

Hey Joe, you just sit back and relax while we do the voting for you! However, I almost forgot

tonight and had to interrupt my regularly scheduled R&B with Tony Brown when-I'm-feeling mellow/content-music as well as my email that was open, in order to vote today.

It's no biggie!! My daily vote is in.

One of these fine days I'm going to buy Wireless Indoor Stereo Speakers to connect to my computer and listen in my living room! (see Image link)

Now back to my regularly scheduled program via the internet......

Joe, do you clean out cookies and temporary files on a regular basis?

It makes a HUGE difference if you haven't.

Yes, some cookies do fall to the back of my oven and I clean them out every so often,

along with burnt granules of cornmeal from pizza and flecks of onion soup mix from Mom's pot roast.

But, temporary filo? I just eat it--I wasn't aware you had to give it back.

This IS a food site, isn't it?
