Watched Jacque Pepin make a pear tart using a flour tortilla, think I'll try it.


Well-known member
He buttered a silpat and spread sugar on it then dipped the tortilla in that on both sides. Then, he peeled a pear, cut it into average slices and placed them in concentric circles on the tortilla. Topped with a sprinkle of sugar and a little bit of butter here and there, baked at 350 for 25-30 minutes.

If I actually do it I will try to take a picture for you all.

H, you peaked my curiosity. Here's the video of JP making the tart.

It's a long video: the tart is made around the first 5 minutes and then finished around Minutes 21-23.

The tart ended up beautiful, but I wonder what the bottom looked liked. The exposed sugar on the Silpat was pitch black and he said the bottom of the tart was "dark".

Please let us know how it works out for you. It looked so easy.

If you watch carefully when he lifts it up from the silpat, it doesn't look too dark at all.

I'm surprised, though, that he doesn't heat the jam and brush it on so you bite into big gobs of apricot. Sure looked delicious, didn't it? And I love the crunchy bottom with the soft top.
