We should have a little glossary here somewhere to include all the great "shorthand"


Well-known member
LDP = looked, drooled, printed

ISO = in search of

REC = recipe

dh = dear hubby

tdmmei = ok, this is my own: the devil made me eat it


Great idea...can we keep this going? There are still some shorthands I don't understand...

I forget to ask what they mean. New members I'm sure would like to know. Can a list get posted somewhere as a heading, like "menus"? Seriously...when I first came on board I didn't know any of these and it was a bit confusing. I'll add one more to the list:

LOL = laugh out loud

Here are a few more....

FYI = for your information
MIL = mother-in-law
FIL = father-in-law
SIL = sister-in-law
BIL = brother-in-law
BTW = by the way
AKA = also known as
IMHO = in my humble opinion
ROFL = rolling on the floor
ROFLMAO = rolling on the floor laughing my a** off
DIY = do it yourself
G = grin
EV = evil grin
OMG = oh my god
FWIW = for what it's worth
HTH = hope this helps

I love it - great idea!

some more:

TDF = To die for
RCA = Recipe Collectors Anonymous
IMHO = In my honest opinion
FRC = Food related chat
NFRC = Non food related chat

I would like to make an ammendment here...

on this particular morning:
dh=damn husband (smile)
